Can I Send my BMP21-PLUS, BMP21-LAB, M210, or M211 In For Repair?
Brady does not offer repair services for the BMP21-PLUS/LAB or the M210 and M211 printer models. Parts, labor and shipping costs would exceed the cost of a new printer. Printers beyond the 2 year warranty date are not repaired under the flat rate program. Defective BMP21-PLUS/LAB, M210 and M211 printers within the 2 year warranty period can be replaced. The BMP21-PLUS has been upgraded to the M210. If your BMP21-PLUS is replaced, you will receive the M210 printer: M210 - Improvements from the BMP21-PLUS.
Brady does not sell any BMP21-PLUS/LAB or M210 and M211 hardware components for field replacement.
If you experience problems with the printer, first contact Brady Technical Support where a technician will troubleshoot the machine over the phone. If the machine is in need of repair and is under the original warranty, the broken printer will be replaced with a new unit. The warranty date starts on the date the end user purchased the printer, so proof of purchase may be requested by technical support. Proof of purchase may include an invoice, receipt, PO or credit card statement indicating the date the printer was purchased. If the printer is out of warranty then a new printer would need to be purchased. Printer AccessoriesPrinter accessories are not covered by the 2-year warranty, see this article for more information: Brady Portable Printers - 2 Year Warranty DetailsRelated information
BMP21-PLUS / M210 Troubleshooting
M211 Troubleshooting