
Text Labels - Create a Label File

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Article Number000007817
TitleText Labels - Create a Label File
Create a Basic Label File in Text Labels
  1. Select Text Labels.
Text Labels.png
  1. Select your printer.
Note: If your printer is connect by USB, USB### will display after the printer type.
Select your printer.png
  1. Select your label part.
Note: Use installed if you have a connected Smart Printer.
Select Label Part.png
  1. Choose "Label" from the menu, click Create.
Blank Label.png
  1. Adjust Label Properties including the line count, Wire Marker mode, font, size, and alignment. Refer to Text Labels - Configuring Text Properties for more information.
 Label Properties
  • Line Count: If the line count is set to a specific number, this will apply to all labels. If you need the line count to differ between each label, select Varies. 
    • To add more lines to a label with the Varies setting, press Enter each time to add another line. If you need to delete a line, press Backspace until the line is deleted. 
  • Wire Marker Fill Label: This repeats the text on each line as many times as possible. This depends on the font, size of font and size of the labels. 
  1. Click onto the label. The selected label will be surrounded with blue dashes and the top line of text will have a solid blue box.
Edit the text label
  1. Enter text.
Advanced Import, Advanced Sequence, Excel Import, Flip Flop and Sequence are available under Labeling Extras. 
  1. Adjust text including the font, size, alignment, and other text properties.  
Text properties.png

The default Show Repeat Pattern option is "Show only on this label" for each piece of information. If you want the date or line of text to appear on every label, select Show on every label and select Apply.  

Advanced pattern has different options for each object.

Advanced Pattern
  1. Click Save or Print.
Note: Label files are saved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Brady Corp\Brady Workstation by default.

Related information
URL NameHow-to-Create-a-Simple-Label-File-in-Text-Labels

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