
Text Labels - Add a Timestamp to a Label

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Article Number000008812
TitleText Labels - Add a Timestamp to a Label
Add the Date to a Label File
  1. Create your label: Text Labels - Create a Label File or Text Labels - Create a Simple Template.
  1. Select the Date/Time icon.
Date and Time
  1. The last used date/time is automatically added to the label. Adjust the Date/Time settings as needed. Refer to the sections below for more information. 
Date and time properties

Default Date Formats 

Brady Workstation offers multiple default date formats.
Date Format.png

Create a Custom Date Format

Add Custom Format to create your own date scheme. Once you add the scheme and select Save the date or time appears on the label. 
User-added image

Refresh Date/Time

This option updates the date and time to the current computer time.

Opened - The date updates every time you open this label file.
Printed - The date updates when you print the label file.

Refresh date and time

Calculate Date/Time

This calculates the date and time by adding or subtracting a specific amount of time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. 

Calculate Date Time.png

Increment Date/Time

This option updates the date or time on all labels or a specific number of labels for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years

Increment Data Time.png
Select Repeat Pattern

The time stamp will only apply to the current label selected. Select Show on every label or Advanced pattern or add the date/time element to a template file to apply the time stamp to every label.
Select repeat pattern

Related information 
URL NameHow-to-Add-a-Timestamp-to-a-Label-in-Text-Labels

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