
M710 - Poor Quality Printing

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Article Number000012931
TitleM710 - Poor Quality Printing

There is poor quality printing.

  1. The battery pack may be worn out and not properly holding a charge.
  2. Dust or adhesives accumulated on the printhead.
  3. On the continuous labels, the roller may have left an indentation in the label supply. 

  1. The battery life is approximately one to three years, depending on its use and care. Order a replacement battery pack: M-LION-BATTERY
  1. Clean the printhead: M710 - Clean the Printer.
  1. Turn on the No Backfeed option: M710 - Backfeed Options.
  1. Confirm that the materials are compatible: Ribbon and Label Compatibility.
  1. Update the Printer Label Library: M710 - Update the Printer Label Library.

If the issue continues, contact Global Brady Technical Support Contact Information for your region with the part number and lot number of the materials: What Is The Label/Ribbon Part Number and Lot Number?
URL NameM710-Poor-Quality-Printing

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