
J4000 - Download the Driver and PrintHub without Internet Access

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Article Number000012715
TitleJ4000 - Download the Driver and PrintHub without Internet Access
Download the J4000 Driver and PrintHub without Internet Access
Important: If you have internet access, refer to How to Install the J4000 Printer Driver and PrintHub for further instructions.

Complete the following download instructions for the .inf file and Print Hub in order to download the driver without internet access. 
Download the .inf file for the Driver
  1. Download the .inf file attached to this article. 
  1. Save the file on the Desktop. 
  1. Right-click the folder and select Extract All. 
Extract All.png
  1. Select Extract. 
  1. Open up Device Manager. Under Printers, select the J4000 printer. 
  1. Right-click the J4000 printer and select Update driver. 
 Device Manager_Update Driver.png
  1. Select Browse my computer for drivers. 
 Device Manager_Browse.png
  1. Select Browse to locate the location of the extracted .inf folder and select OK or Copy and paste the path of the .inf folder in the Search for drivers in this location.
 Device Manager_Browse_select path.png
  1. Select Next. The path should automatically update.
  1. Open Control Panel on your computer. 
  1. Select Devices and Printers. 
 Devices and Printers.png
  1. Verify the J4000 driver is installed. If the driver is installed, it will appear under Printers.
Devices and printers_J4000.png

  1. Right-click the driver and select Printer Properties. 
 Printer Properties.png
  1. Select the Security tab. Verify each group or user has the Print, Manage this Printer, and Manage documents checked. 
J4000 Properties.png
  1. Select Apply and select OK. 

Download the PrintHub

  1. Download the PrintHubInstaller attached to this article. 
  1. Save the file on the Desktop. 
  1. Right-click the folder and select Extract All. 
Extract All.png
  1. Browse to the location you would like to save the file and select Extract. 
  1.  The unzipped PrintHubInstaller folder appears. Double-click the folder.
  1. Double-click the PrintHubInstaller.
PrintHubInstaller File.png
  1. Select Next on the Brady PrintHub Setup page.
  Brady PrintHub Setup.png
  1. Select Install to start the installation of the Brady PrintHub for the J4000 printer. 
 Install Brady PrintHub.png
  1. Select Finish.
 Finish Brady PrintHub Setup.png

After the user installs the Driver and Print Hub, refer to J4000 - How to Network the Printer for instructions on networking the printer.

If you have an internet connection but it is getting blocked by the firewall and you want to connect it to the internet, follow these steps. The driver should already be installed with a USB connection. 

  1. Open the Control Panel.
Control Panel.png
  1. Select Devices and Printers.
 Devices and Printers.png
  1. Right-click the J4000 printer and choose Printer properties.
Printer Properties
  1. Click on the Port tab and select Add Port.
Add Port
  1. Select Standard TCP/IP Port and select New Port.
New Port.png
  1. The Printer Port Wizard will start. Follow the prompts and click Next.
Port Wizard
  1. Enter in the IP Address and select Next.
​​​​​​​Port Wizard_Add Port
  1. Wait while it connects until you get the screen below.
  1. Choose Next.
  1. It will tell you that you have chosen the following port. Select Finish.
  1. Once you click finish, try to print from your software to verify it will print.
  1. Disconnect the USB.

What Port does the J4000 use and what should I whitelist?

The J4000 uses Port 80 to access the Brady PrintHub, the Driver and the Updater. 

Whitelist the following:

Related information
URL NameJ4000-Update-the-Driver-without-Internet-Access

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