
Text Labels - Create Profiles (default text settings)

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Article Number000012308
TitleText Labels - Create Profiles (default text settings)
The Fall '21 release of Brady Workstation introduced the Profiles feature for Text Labels. This feature allows users to save text formatting settings to a profile, these profiles can then be applied to any other label when creating label files. This feature saves end users' time configuring text settings every time they create a new label file. 

Creating a New Profile
  1. Create a new label and add text or formatting as desired: Text Labels - Create a Label File.
  1. Select Create Profile under Apply Changes. If you don't see this button, make sure you're on the Shared Properties tab and have made at least one modification to the text properties. 
  1. Enter a name for the profile and click Create

Applying a Profile to a New Label
  1. Create a new label file
  1. Select the desired profile from the profile dropdown.
  1. Enter text. The profile will apply the formatting you configured when creating the profile. 

Creating a New Profile Based on an Existing Profile
  1. Create and apply a profile to a label as shown in the previous sections. 
  1. Use the Save As profile feature to generate a new profile based on the existing profile. 

Related information 
URL NameHow-to-Create-Text-Profiles-in-the-Text-Labels-Application

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