
i7500 - Connect via Ethernet

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Article Number000013954
Titlei7500 - Connect via Ethernet

If using a Windows driver, it is best to configure the Ethernet connection before installing the driver. If the driver is already installed before configuring the Ethernet connection, you may need to edit the port settings for the printer in Windows to update the IP address.


  1. Press Settings.

Settings icon.png

  1. Press Connection.


  1. Press Advanced Network Settings.

Connection_Advanced network settings_Resized.png

  1. Press Ethernet

Advanced network settings_ethernet_Resized.png


  1. Press IP Settings.

Ethernet_IP Settings_Resized.png


  1. Choose either DHCP or Static.
    • DHCP: DHCP addressing is dynamic and the system uses a DNS server in the printer IP address for you. No additional fields need to be entered. 
    • Static: For static addressing, you must supply the printer’s IP address. First, tap the back button. Press the back arrow to return to the Ethernet screen, then fill in the following information. You may need to get assistance from your network administrator. 
      1. Enter the IP Address.
      2. Enter the Subnet Mask, if applicable.
      3. Enter the IP address of the default gateway.
      4. Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
      5. Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server

Important: If no DNS server is being used, enter for both the primary and secondary DNS servers.

IP Settings_DHCP or Static_Resized.png


  1. Tap the back button to return to the Advanced Network Settings screen in order for the fields entered to take effect. 


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