
i7500 - Adjust Printhead Pressure

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Article Number000013968
Titlei7500 - Adjust Printhead Pressure

Printhead pressure sets the amount of pressure from the printhead to prevent the ribbon from wrinkling. Tap the plus or minus buttons to increase or decrease the pressure. 


  1. Tap Settings.


  1. Tap Print Adjustments.

Settings_Print adjustments_Resized.png

  1. Press Printhead Pressure.

Print adjustments_printhead pressure_Resized.png


  1. Adjust settings, as needed.

Printhead pressure_Resized.png

Tap Print test label to print a label to see how the setting affects the printed label.

Tap Reset Default to put the printhead pressure back to the default value. 


Refer to i7500 - Print Adjustments & Bookmarks for information on bookmarks.


URL Namei7500-Adjust-Printhead-Pressure

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