
i7500 - Adjust Print Position

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Article Number000013969
Titlei7500 - Adjust Print Position


  1. Tap Settings.


  1. Tap Print Adjustments.

Settings_Print adjustments_Resized.png

  1. Tap Print Position.

Print adjustments_print position_Resized.png

  1. Adjust Print Position, as needed.

The measurements shown in the upper right indicate how much the beginning print position will shift relative to the factory setting; it does not represent the distance from the left edge of the label. 


Units are in inches or millimeters depending on what units are set in Units of Measure: i7500 - Adjust Printer Settings. To reset to the factory setting (0, 0), tap reset default icon in the upper right. 

Print position_Resized.png



URL Namei7500-Adjust-Print-Position

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