
i7500 - Adjust Label Sensor Position

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Article Number000013972
Titlei7500 - Adjust Label Sensor Position

When in Smart Mode, the printer will detect the type of roll that is installed when the printhead is closed and will automatically move the sensor to the correct position for the installed roll.

When in Manual Mode, adjust the sensor by visually aligning the optical sensor in the gap when using continuous or notched labels. Move the optical sensor using the slider and arrow buttons on the screen. Press, hold and slide the yellow slider to make large movements, or tap the arrows for minor movements. 


Refer to i7500 - Set the Label Roll Type for more information on the different printer modes (Continuous, Gapped or Notched).


  1. Tap Settings.


  1. Tap Print Adjustments.

Settings_Print adjustments_Resized.png

  1. Tap Label Sensor Position

Label sensor position_Resized.png


  1. Follow the prompts on the screen to open the printer cover and printhead.

Label sensor position 1_Resized.png

  1. Adjust the sensor by dragging the circle or using the arrows. 

Label sensor position 2_Resized.png

The sensor must be in the middle of a gapped label, in the middle of the notch on a notch label or the rectangle for permasleeve material.

Gapped sensor position_Resized.png

Notched sensor_Resized.png

Permasleeve sensor_arrow_Resized.png


  1. Load the ribbon and close the printhead. 

Detecting ribbon_Resized.png

  1. Adjust other sensors and settings as needed.

New label roll installed_Resized.png


URL Namei7500-Adjust-Label-Sensor-Position

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