
Workstation Has Encountered An Unknown Error or Something Unexpected Happened During Excel Import

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Article Number000006906
TitleWorkstation Has Encountered An Unknown Error or Something Unexpected Happened During Excel Import

Error When Importing Excel Data

1. If you receive "Workstation has encountered an unknown error" then you are using an outdated version of the software: How to Update Brady Workstation

Workaround for older versions of BWS: If you are attempting to import an Excel file with only 1 line of text, make sure "use first row as header" is not selected. 

User-added image

2. Workaround for recent versions of Brady Workstation: If you receive an error "something unexpected has happened" when attempting to import a spreadsheet with a single row of data, then add a blank row to your spreadsheet and check "use first row as header". 


  • Note: Excel import is best used when multiple labels with varying information need to be created from information in a database. Importing a spreadsheet with a single row of data has very limited use cases, if any. If would be quicker to simply type the information manually.

3. If your Excel spreadsheet is on a shared network drive, copy the Excel document to your local drive and import using the local copy. 

URL NameWorkstation-Has-Encountered-An-Unknown-Error-during-Excel-Import

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