
Where are default settings saved in Brady Workstation?

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Article Number000011192
TitleWhere are default settings saved in Brady Workstation?

In the Brady Workstation (BWS) / Home Page / Gear icon / Settings, you can set:
- Default location for label files when you go to Open or Save a BWS file.  If you don't see a shared drive available when selecting the default folder:  How to save Brady Workstation Files to Shared drives
- Default Language
- Default Measurement Units (inches or millimeters)
- Updates and improvements

Below shows where the actual settings are saved for the Brady Workstation software to access them. They are hidden system files and should only be edited by people with experience with editing system files.

C:\ProgramData\Brady Corp\Brady Workstation\CommonData\Users Settings

There are one or two files in that directory for each login account that used Brady Workstation.  These files save the default or last used object settings used by whoever used any Brady Workstation app while logged into the PC.

  • [UserLoginName].DefaultProperties.bin
  • [UserLoginName].Settings.xml

In Brady Workstation, the settings that a user sets are saved each session, replacing their previous settings and will be used as default settings until they change any of those settings. These include any object settings such as: font size, barcode symbology, line count, last selected printer etc.

If you are unable to change text properties in the Text Labels app, not getting all object setting options, Print is not printing the current data on your labels, or you are experiencing crashing or stability issues in Brady Workstation, perform the following:
1. Close the Brady Workstation software
2. Open File Explorer, navigate to 
C:\ProgramData\Brady Corp\Brady Workstation\CommonData\Users Settings
3. Delete all files within the Users Settings folder.
4. Restart Brady Workstation.

This resolves many different software performance issues.
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