
i5100 - "Out of Ribbon" Error

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Article Number000011455
Titlei5100 - "Out of Ribbon" Error
Troubleshooting Out of Ribbon Errors on the i5100 Printer
  1. The printer is out of ribbon - insert a new ribbon: i5100 - Loading Ribbon and Label Media.
  1. The Ribbon is defective - Swap the ribbon and confirm this issue occurs on across multiple ribbons. This will determine if the issue is the printer or the materials. 
  1. The Ribbon is not loaded correctly - Confirm the ribbon is loaded correctly. Notice how the ribbon spools behind the ribbon take-up spool: i5100 - Loading Ribbon and Label Media.

  1. Third Party Ribbons and Universal Cores - This can also occur when using a third party (non-Brady) ribbon. The encoder is detecting a low ribbon by the number of revs that turn within a certain time frame. When it spins fast it detects that the ribbon roll is low, if it spends slow, then it detects that the ribbon roll is full. This can happen if they have a worn universal core or have rigged the printer to house a third party ribbon somehow. 
  1. Setting the print head heat too high will cause the ribbon to melt. If the ribbon is melting and tearing in half, follow this procedure: 
  1. The Ribbon Sensor needs to be reset - i5100 - How to Reset the Ribbon Sensor.
  1. This error will occur if the printer is loaded with direct thermal labels, but the software/driver is set to transfer printing. 
  1. Mechanical failure of the ribbon sensorRequesting a Repair Authorization for a Brady Benchtop Printer.

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URL NameOut-of-Ribbon-Error-on-the-i5100

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