
J7300 - Align the Ink Cartridge

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Article Number000013220
TitleJ7300 - Align the Ink Cartridge

Align the Ink Cartridge

Ink cartridge alignment will adjust the cartridges for bidirectional printing and calibrate the printer to each individual cartridge. Alignment is prompted by the printer each time you install a new cartridge. 

Install a continuous label supply that is equal to or wider than 2.95" (7.5 cm).  The alignment roll (J-ALIGN) that was included with the printer should be used for ink cartridge alignment. 


Note: If the wrong label supply is used, an Ink Cartridge Alignment Error message displays on the printer. 

You are able to bypass the alignment, but doing so can eventually affect print quality. If the labels contain streaks, banding fuzzy text, or misalignment of colors, manually run the ink alignment following the instructions below. 

Align the Ink Cartridge from Print Utility
  1. Open Brady Print Utility.
  2. Select the Maintenance tab.
  3. Select Align Ink Cartridges.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions

Align the Ink Cartridge on the Printer
  1. Select Settings.
  1. Select Maintenance
  1. Select Run for Align Ink Cartridges.
Align ink cartridge


A test label prints when you run the alignment. 

J7300 alignment examples.png


If there are issues with the alignment or alignment is failing, use a piece of paper to cover the clear cover. This will help mitigate light.


covered clear plate_Resized.png

URL NameJ7300-Align-the-Ink-Cartridge

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