Body | Connecting multiple printers to the same PC via USB can cause communication issues with some printer models that use bidirectional communication (i5100, IP Series). The PR series, i7100 and BBP72 printers do not use bidi so this is not a concern, however there are other factors to consider. Printer Driver Name ConsiderationsHaving multiple printers of the same model connected to your PC may cause confusion unless the driver's are given unique names. Driver Package ConsiderationsDriver packages, such as those from CAB and Seagull Scientific, may automatically associate and take precedence over Brady's officially published drivers for the PR, i7100 and BBP72. Depending on your label creation software's driver requirements, you may need to mitigate this: Prevent CAB and Seagull Driver Packages from Automatically Associating With Brady Printers CodeSoftWhen using CodeSoft with the internal drivers, issues can occur if the ports are changed physically (unplugging and plugging the printer into a different USB port) because ports need to be manually assigned within CodeSoft. Windows would display each printer as a copy, but in CodeSoft the driver may not be associated with the correct virtual USB port. To configure the PR, i7100 or BBP72 in CodeSoft, see: CodeSoft - Configuring Internal Printer DriversSee Also