
BMP71 - Ribbon feeding with/sticking to label

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Article Number000006997
TitleBMP71 - Ribbon feeding with/sticking to label
If you are experiencing your ribbon feeding out with (or sticking to) the labels, please try the following steps:
  1. Clean the platen roller and print head. Use a lint-free cloth and 90%+ isopropyl alcohol to wipe down the platen roller and print head. This will remove adhesive. Refer to How to Clean the BMP71.
  1. Use compressed air to remove debris. Using compressed air will remove debris from your printer, including gears.
  1. Trying a different label or ribbon can determine if the issue is printer or material related. Refer to BMP71 Ribbon and Label Materials Guide.

Related information
URL NameBMP71-Ribbon-feeding-with-sticking-to-label

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