
S3700 - Create a Simple Text Label

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Article Number000013082
TitleS3700 - Create a Simple Text Label
Create a Simple Text Label
  1. Be sure the ribbon and labels are loaded and the power is on. 
When the printer is first turned on, you are presented with the Home page, displaying a blinking vertical bar (the cursor) and the message "Type or touch here".

Main menu
  1. Type the desired text.
The text displays on the screen, surrounded by a frame. The frame indicates you are working with a text element. 
Text on label
  1. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard to start another line of text.
  1. If you wish to insert, delete, or format text, do so now. ​​​​​
  1. When you are ready to print, touch the Print icon on the screen. 
 Printer icon top right of printer lcd
  1. Enter the number of copies and touch Start Printing. 
Print screen

URL NameS3700-Create-a-Simple-Text-Label

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