
Repairing corrupted scheme configuration files

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Article Number000008587
TitleRepairing corrupted scheme configuration files
Repairing Data Import Scheme Configuration Files

A scheme may become corrupted when the original data, such as an Excel spreadsheet, is moved to a different directory. While the scheme configuration file can be edited, we recommend completely recreating the scheme using the LabelMark 6 data import wizard.

Updating Data Location Information in the DataImportScheme File

1. The file has an .lmd extension and is located in this directory: C:\ProgramData\Brady\LabelMark6\Data and Serialization Schemes
2. Open the file using a plain text editor, such as Notepad

3. Update the outdated directories
  • Note: Edit the DataImportScheme files at your own risk. If you make a mistake in the file, you may damage the import scheme. If any mistake is made, the import scheme need to be deleted and recreated using LabelMark 6. We recommend creating a backup copy of the scheme file prior to editing.

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URL NameRepairing-corrupted-scheme-configuration-files

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