
Outdated drvData Causes Missing Page Sizes in Driver

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Article Number000009412
TitleOutdated drvData Causes Missing Page Sizes in Driver
Outdated drvData.ini Files

The drvData.ini file contains listings for all page sizes available for a Brady printer's Windows print driver. This file is installed to the c:\windows\System32 directory during the Windows Print Driver install (necessary for many Brady printer models, even those that should not be installed if using Brady Workstation to print labels, but should be installed if using Brady Data Automation software or non-Brady software. The driver installation will not replace or update the file on the PC if an existing drvData.ini is detected in the \System32 folder. This means the new driver will pull page size options from the drvData.ini of a potentially older driver version. This results in missing page size selections. 

Workaround Summary

1. Obtain the drvData.ini of the most recent driver version for your printer model
2. Backup the original drvData.ini
3. Copy the new drvData.ini into C:\windows\System32


1. Obtain the drvData.ini file for the most recent driver. This can be done by extracting the driver executable with 7zip. 

2. Backup the current drvData.ini file for safekeeping, and to compare and confirm the updated drvData.ini in step 4. 

3. Copy and paste the obtained drvData.ini to the c:\windows\System32 directory. A system reboot may be required. 

4. After reboot, go to c:\windows\System32 and confirm the existing drvData.ini is the latest version by comparing the file size of the old and new versions. You can also check the driver page sizing options to confirm the missing page sizes have appeared. 

If missing Wrap-x-417 page sizes, see this document for file and instructions to add them to the Wraptor and Wraptor A6500 print drivers: Wraptor or A6500 print driver - page sizes for 417 material are missing (WRAP-xx-417)

URL NameOutdated-drvData-Causes-Missing-Page-Sizes-in-Driver

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