Body | Margins, Gaps, Columns, Rows, Liner Width - What's the Difference?These settings specify regions of a printable label. Label printing is a high-precision process, so the software must accurately define where text is allowed to appear. This includes the total width of the peel-off backing, the physical label itself, if the label has multiple labels on a row, and what the gaps should be between multiple labels in a row. Liner WidthLiner Width is the total width of the label backing that labels are attached to (the liner). This is not used to define the width of the physical label.
Label Width and Length Label width and length specify area of the physical label.
MarginsMargins specify the unprintable areas on the physical label.
Application of left margin.
Application of top margin.
Columns and Rows Columns and rows split the defined physical label area into multiple labels.
Application of columns.
Application of rows.
Die-cut labels on a liner will not be placed edge-to-edge. For this reason horizontal and vertical gap specify the spacing between columns and rows.
Application of vertical gap.
Application of horizontal gap.
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