
M710 - Create and Edit a Serialization

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Article Number000012900
TitleM710 - Create and Edit a Serialization
Create and Edit a Sequence

Serialization is alphanumeric with numbers from 0 to 9 and letters A-Z. A Serialization consists of a Start Value, End Value and Increment. 
  • Start Value is the number, letter, or combination of numbers and letters that begin the serialization sequence. 
  • End Value is the termination point of the sequence. 
  • Increment is the value that is added to the previous number in the sequence to produce the next sequence number.
Example: Start Value of 1 and End Value of 25 with an Increment of 4 would produce 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25.
  1. Position the cursor on the label where you want the serialization to display. 
  1. Press SERIAL.
  1. Enter the values for the first (or only) sequence.
  • In the Start Value field, enter the start value of the sequence. If the start value is larger than the end value, the series will decrement automatically.
  • In the End Value field, enter the end value of the sequence.
  • In the Increment field, enter the amount to increment each value in the sequence. For example, a sequence beginning with 1 with an increment of 2 yields: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so on.
  1. For a simple sequence, tap OK when you are done. If you wish to add a second sequence, continue. The remaining steps result in one complex sequence on the labels. To have the two sequences appear in different places on the labels, view the Add Multiple Sequences displayed at different locations on the label below.
  1. Select the Add Seq 2.
  1. Under Sequence #2, enter the Start Value, End Value and Increment
  1. If you want the values to increment dependently, select Linked. 
  1. Tap OK. The sequence is placed on the labels and the total number of labels is shown in the upper right corner of the touchscreen.
Note: Linked serializations do not have to display at the same position on the label. They can be in separate locations within the label. See below. 
  1. Position the cursor on the label where you want the first sequence to display.
  1. Press SERIAL.
  1. Enter the values for the first sequence.
  • In the Start Value field, enter the start value of the sequence. If the start value is larger than the end value, the series will decrement automatically.
  • In the End Value field, enter the end value of the sequence.
  • In the Increment field, enter the amount to increment each value in the sequence. For example, a sequence beginning with 1 with an increment of 2 yields: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so on.
  1. Tap OK to return to the editing screen.
  1. On the editing screen, navigate to the next sequence location (cursor position) on the label.
  1. Press SERIAL. The values from the first sequence are already filled in.
  1. Select the Add Seq 2 box. 
  1. In Sequence #2, enter the start and end values for that sequence, as well as the increment.
  1. Tap OK.

Edit a Sequence

You are able to change the serialization values after a sequence has been determined. 
  1. Press SERIAL.
The touchscreen displays the current sequence values. 
  1. Select the value fields to change and enter the new values.
  1. Select OK.

Delete a Sequence
  1. With the cursor just to the right of a value in the sequence, press the backspace key.  Backspace.png
URL NameM710-Create-and-Edit-a-Serialization

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