
M610 - Download the Driver

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Article Number000012949
TitleM610 - Download the Driver

The M610 driver must be installed to function with 3rd party software. Brady Workstation does not require the Windows driver for this printer: Brady Workstation - Direct Print Compatibility.

Do not connect the printer to the PC via USB until prompted to do so by the driver installation, otherwise you will receive the "Driver Installation Failed" error: Brady Printer Drivers - Checking Printer Status Failed or Driver Installation Failed.


Driver Installation Fails.png

Download the M610 Driver

  1. Download the latest driver version on BradyID.
  1. Right click and choose "Extract All..."

 Extract All
  1. Open the Brady_M610_Printer_Driver and Brady M610 Printer Driver folders. 
  1. Right click the executable and choose "Run as administrator".

 Run as admin
  1. Select Yes on the popup. 
Do you want to install the driver.png
  1. Select LET'S GET STARTED.
 Let's get started
  1. If the Windows Security popup appears, select Install.
Windows security popup
  1. Wait while the driver installs. 
  1. Select Next. 
Install Complete
  1. Turn the printer on and connect it to the computer. 


  1. Select Next.
Connect Printer Now
  1. The Connected screen displays. Select Next. 
  1. If the printer is not registered, select the link. Otherwise, select Next. 
Register Printer
  1. Select the checkbox to agree to the terms. 
  1. Select YES, CAPTURE DATA.
Yes capture data
  1. Select Close. 
Select Close

URL NameM610-Download-the-Driver

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