
Networked IP 300 / 600 not reading currently loaded label parts

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Article Number000009622
TitleNetworked IP 300 / 600 not reading currently loaded label parts
Also reported as "status monitor does not interact with my networked printer' or 'no bidirectional communication between printer and software'

If you add the print driver as a Standard TCP/IP port and give it a name of your own choice, or if it takes the default name of Brady IP x00, the IP Status Monitor (which reads the RFID Tag of the currently loaded label part, determines if the recommended ribbon is loaded, etc) will not be able to interact with the print driver, even though you will be able to successfully print labels if you selected the correct label part to design your label.

To fix this issue: in the print driver's Printer Properties, General tab, Printer Name field, change the printer's name to (with the x's being the actual network IP address) and it will work fine.
URL NameIP-300-600-My-status-monitor-does-not-interact-with-my-networked-printer

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