
How to hide or remove objects used in a combined field

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Article Number000011383
TitleHow to hide or remove objects used in a combined field
Occasionally, you may need to create a combined field text or barcode on a label or template but not wish to show all or parts of the data that created the combined field text or barcode.

Steps to do this are below:

Remove all fields and only leave the Combined field object in a label
  1. Open Brady Custom Designer and create a new label.
  2. Add 2 simple text fields.
  3. Press the Combined Fields button to create new combined field.
  4. Check the Remove original objects check box.
  5. Only the Combined Field object will remain but contain the data from the 2 text fields.
* This will work with sequencing and importing data

Remove only 1 field and only leave the 1 object & Combined field object in a label
  1. Open Brady Custom Designer and create a new label.
  2. Add 2 simple text fields.
  3. Press the Combined Fields button to create new combined fields.
  4. After Combined Field object has been added, click on and delete the unwanted field.
* This will work with sequencing and importing data.

Hide one or more Placholder objects for a template with Combined Field Object 
  1. Open Brady Custom Designer and create a new template file.
  2. Add 2 simple place holder text fields.
  3. Press the Combined Fields button to create new combined fields.
  4. After Combined Field object has been added, click on and delete the unwanted field.
  5. Click on the placeholder you want hide and change the color of the text to same as the background of the label.
  6. Output in Print Partner will only display the desired placeholder and Combined Field Object.
URL NameHow-to-hide-or-remove-objects-used-in-a-combined-field

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