
How to Import an Excel File into Codesoft (Instructional video)

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Article Number000007703
TitleHow to Import an Excel File into Codesoft (Instructional video)
These instructions are created for CodeSoft 2015, however core features and menu item locations in CodeSoft have remained largely unchanged over the years.

Import Excel Data into CodeSoft 2015

1. Click Data Sources > Database > Wizard to launch the New Database Wizard.

2. Select your Connection from the Select connection to an existing data source drop-down or to create a new connection click New.

3. Specify Excel and enter a name for the connection.

4. Click Next.

5. Enter the location of the Excel file to connect to or click the Browse button to browse to the location of the file, test the connection, then click Finish.

6. Select the table to use from the Select the table drop-down box.

7. Select the database columns that are needed from the Select Fields box, then click Finish.

8. Add each Field to your Label by click and holding on the Field from Data Sources > Database (click Database + sign in right panel), and dragging it onto the Label.

9. When you let go of the click, choose if you want the object to display as Text, Barcode, or Image.

URL NameHow-to-Import-an-Excel-File-into-Codesoft-Instructional-video

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