
Brady Workstation - Best Practices for Installing and Upgrading

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Article Number000008306
TitleBrady Workstation - Best Practices for Installing and Upgrading


End users may experience the following issues when attempting to launch Brady Workstation or just an app within Brady Workstation:
  • "installation interrupted" error
  • "unable to launch" error
  • Brady Workstation freezes and crashes

Most Likely Causes:

  • Insufficient rights were used when first installing the software.  Domain Admin or Admin with Elevated Rights are required.  Most companies have multiple levels of IT due to cybersecurity efforts; part of system configuration and group policies that lower levels of admins may not even be aware of.
  • Updates not run, or not all updates were installed.  Many of the apps share functions and features, so it is important that all updates are applied, not just some and not others. 

Best Practices for Updating and Installing Brady Workstation

  1. Run As Admin to ensure complete install and activation is successful for all users. 
    1. When running Brady Workstation Setup.exe (installation file), right-click the file and select Run As Administrator (even if the user is logged in as Admin). OR,
    2. If running updates (BWS was opened and Updates Available appears in blue at top of BWS Home screen), close BWS, then right-click on shortcut and select Run As Administrator.
    3. If either a or b above results in a prompt for Admin login, enter admin credentials
  2. If installing / reinstalling the software – always download the latest version of Brady Workstation Shell + desired apps or Suites from If you do have internet access on the PC, download and install just the Shell, then once that installed and updated, go into Brady App Store and install apps or suites from there.
  3. Whenever there are any Updates Available, install all of them. They contain fixes and enhancements.  If you update one and not another, you may have conflicts later – an older version app may not know how to communicate with the newer shell or feature. 
URL NameBrady-Workstation-Best-Practices-for-Installing-and-Upgrading

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