
BMP21, BMP21-LAB, BMP21-PLUS, BMP41, BMP51, BMP71, LabelMark -Fixed length only allows 2 decimal points for length..

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Article Number000008739
TitleBMP21, BMP21-LAB, BMP21-PLUS, BMP41, BMP51, BMP71, LabelMark -Fixed length only allows 2 decimal points for length..
By design the BMP21 / BMP21-PLUS / BMP21-LAB only allows 1 decimal point however the BMP41, BMP51, BMP53 (with use of LabelMark), and the BMP71 are limited to 2 decimal points due to the DPI of the print head. 

A 300 DPI printer can only increment in .0033333333". By allowing 2 decimal places, you have 0.010" increments, which the firmware can properly deal with. If the printers would allow more then 2 decimal places due to the above calculation the label length or repeat length tolerance wouldn’t be able to be held. 

Lastly while both LabelMark and the BMP71 manually allow you to type in more than 2 decimal points the firmware or software override the setting to the first two decimal points.
URL NameBMP21-BMP21-LAB-BMP21-PLUS-BMP41-BMP51-BMP71-LabelMark-Fixed-length-only-allows-2-decimal-points-for-length

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