
BBP72-PLUS - Download the Driver

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Article Number000013144
TitleBBP72-PLUS - Download the Driver

BBP72-PLUS Driver

  1. Download the driver.


  1. Right-click the folder and select Extract All.
Extract all
  1. Select the destination and select Extract
  1. Click the extracted BBP72_PLUS_Driver_### folder.


  1. Select the corresponding driver and double-click the .msi file. For example, run the PrintDriverSetup_EN_V1.1.1.3.msi file for the English installer. FR = French and DE = German. 


  1. Select Next.
Brady printer driver setup 1_Next.png
  1. Select the location to install the Brady Printer Driver and select Next.
Brady printer driver setup 2_Next.png
  1. Select Install.
Brady printer driver setup 3.png
  1. Wait for the driver to install. A window may pop-up to install INF files. Follow the instructions in the installer.
Pre-install INF.png

If you receive a Windows Security pop-up, select Install. 
 Windows security.png
  1. Select Finish
Complete Brady print driver.png
  1. After installing the driver, the printer can either be connected by USB, or it can be added as a networked printer through the Add a Printer prompt in the Winders Printers & Scanners menu.
Printers and scanners.png

URL NameBBP72-PLUS-Download-the-Driver

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