Body | Change a Barcode
- Select a barcode.
- Change the desired options in the Barcode dialog box:
- Data value
- Symbology
- Set Data Source
- Select OK.
Change Barcode Options
Barcode options include changing the barcode symbology and data value, setting a different ratio and density and increasing or decreasing the barcode size.
Change Barcode Size
- Select a barcode object in the Editor.
- Select Size in the Control Panel to increase or decrease the barcode vertically. Changes are immediately reflected in the Editor.
Barcode Ratio
Ratio is the thickness between a narrow bar and a wide bar (overall width of the barcode). Usually, the ratio is between 2:1 and 3:1. Does not apply to all symbologies.
- Select a barcode object in the Editor. If the Barcode Content dialog box opens, select Cancel.
- Choose from one of the three options in the Control Panel. Changes are immediately reflected in the Editor.
Barcode Density
Density controls the width of the barcode lines and spaces (choose between 10 and 80 mils). Typically, the thinner the bar and spaces, the higher the bar code density and the less space it takes on a label.
- Select a barcode object in the Editor.
- Select Density in the Control Panel.
- Choose a density for your barcode in the Barcode Density dialog box.
- Select OK. The changes are immediately reflected in the Editor.
Human-Readable Text Options
Barcode text options let you choose whether to show any human-readable text on your barcode and where it should be positioned (above or below the barcode).
You can also decide whether you want the text to include a check character or a start/stop character.
- Select a barcode object in the Editor.
- Select More Options and the Human Readable Text Control Panel.
- Choose the Human-Readable Text option: none, above barcode, or below barcode.
- Select Font to choose a font and/or side for your human-readable text.
- Choose a Font, Size, and/or Style for the human-readable text that will be included on your barcode in the Font dialog box.
- Select OK. The barcode reflects the changes.
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