
BBP31 / BBP35 / BBP37 / BBP85 / S3100 / S3700 - How to Frame an Object

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Article Number000010979
TitleBBP31 / BBP35 / BBP37 / BBP85 / S3100 / S3700 - How to Frame an Object
To place (or remove) a frame around an object, the object must be either text or graphic. Barcode objects cannot be framed. When selected, changes are immediately reflected in the Editor.

Frame an object on a label:
  1. With a label defined in the Editor, select the object you want to frame.
  1. Select More Options and go to the Object Frame panel.


  1. Select the Shape you want around the object (none, rectangle, rounded).
  1. Select a Line Width for the frame (narrow, medium, wide).
URL NameBBP31-BBP35-BBP37-BBP85-How-to-Frame-an-Object

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